“As a parent, there is nothing more daunting than selecting a care provider. At ECEP we feel confident each time we drop our son off that he is being enriched, treated with care, attention and respect.”
– Sarah B., parent
“ECEP is an excellent program and we have been very satisfied with it in the 7 years (so far) that our children have participated in the program.”
– ECEP Parent
Prospective Parents
At ECEP, we build a working partnership with parents. We believe parents have a right to know what their children are doing at school and to be involved in the life of the program. We foster a welcoming, inclusive environment, so parents and children from all backgrounds feel a sense of belonging.
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the centers in a variety of roles. They assist in classroom activities, walks, and field trips.
For those parents who want to be involved but cannot volunteer during the workday, they may work on special projects at home, or serve on the Childcare Advisory Committee.
Centers also have pot lucks and other family activities, to help foster a sense of community.
Many families participate in the program from infancy through preschool, which enables parents to form long partnerships with the school, individual teachers, and other family members.
Parents are encouraged to make arrangements to visit ECEP before their child starts, to get a first-hand look at the children and staff in action, and to talk to the center director about opportunities to participate in the life of the school.
Current Parents
Forms, meeting notes, and other information for current parents are located on the Resources page.
Tax ID information for Dependent Care Spending account: 94-6002123.