It is ECEP’s goal to help student parents balance school, work, and family. We reserve a number of spaces for the children of student parents, and also provide subsidies to qualified parents.
To qualify for a reserved space or subsidy, one parent must be a registered UC Berkeley student.
State Subsidy Free or Reduced-Fee
As one of the great public universities, UC Berkeley values access to education as part of its mission. For UC Berkeley student parents and staff, a limited number of free or reduced-fee spaces are available. Most subsidy recipients are student parents; some staff may be eligible as well. With subsidized tuition, fees are assessed on a sliding scale based on age of the child and gross income.
Eligibility for State Subsidy Free or Reduced-Fee
State Subsidy Free or Reduced-Fee child care is available to UC Berkeley student parents and others who meet income and need eligibility requirements set by the California Department of Education. Families who meet both these eligibility requirements may qualify for free or reduced-fee child care, based on a sliding income scale.
Income Eligibility
Income eligibility is determined based on family size and total monthly gross income. The family’s total monthly gross income must be at or below 85% State Median Income (SMI) ceiling for the family’s size. See chart below.
Need Eligibility
Need eligibility is the reason a family needs child care. If there are two parents in the home, both parents must have a reason for needing child care. To be eligible for need:
- At least one parent must be a registered UC Berkeley student
- Second parent must be engaged in one of the following:
a) Working (full time 35-40 hours per week)
b) Education or vocational training leading directly to a recognized trade, paraprofession, or profession
c) Actively seeking employment
d) Parent is incapacitated because of medical or psychiatry special need
e) Homeless and seeking permanent housing
f) Enrolled in an educational program (GED or ESL)
Questions about subsidies? Please contact our Admissions Coordinator, Marina Moreida, by calling (510) 643-1482.